Friday, September 7, 2012

Vacation {Gulf Shores}

So, our vacation this year didn't exactly go according to plan. Mainly because of this:
Yeah, hurricanes and beach vacations aren't the best combo!
We had two beautiful days, and we tried to make the best of them.
Our condo had a mandatory evacuation.
We were of course bummed, but we still managed to have fun while we were there!
 Chase loved throwing the sand. Fun...if you weren't standing anywhere next to him!

 The poor birds didn't stand a chance against Chase.
He loved chasing them around again this year.
Wanting to squeeze everything in that we could, we got right to work on our sandcastles, seashell hunts and our beach volcano!


Chase loved being in the sand so much. He spent a LOT of time in the pool as well.

 We were thankful Chase wasn't old enough to realize our beach vacation got cut (way) short. Honestly, he was happy if he got to push the elevator button and ride it too!
I love his attitude!
We hope to see you soon beach.
As for you Hurricane Isaac, you are not my friend. :)
More on the rest of our week coming soon.
We traveled to Nashville and also Evansville and Chase got to see Mimi, Pop and Grandma! 


courtney {splendid actually} said...

Looks like the little one definitely had a blast, despite the visit from Isaac. And your coral and turquoise in that last photo looks so pretty!

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