Monday, February 28, 2011

Thank You...

We have been overwhelmed with grief, sadness, anger, dissapointment, frustration, and confusion. Yet somehow I know we will make it through this. We want to thank everyone for the phone calls, texts, emails, visits, dinners, flowers, cards, packages and most importantly PRAYERS that we have received. It's amazing what just a quick little message of encouragement can do for us. It's evident that God has placed all of you in our lives for a reason. I have literally been brought to my knees from the kindness you have shown. Please know that even if we don't always pick up the phone or respond to an email right away, we appreciate you. We are trying to get used to this new "normal" and sometimes we just have to get away from it in order to function. We are so very thankful for you and your support and prayers for us during this valley.


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