Thursday, March 3, 2011

Chase's 2nd Birthday Party!

We celebrated Mr. 2 Year Old's birthday last weekend with an Elmo themed party. It was so good to see our families and friends and be with them to celebrate Chase. He had a great time and Chase loved his "BIG CAKE!" Here are some of my favorite photos from the day. (Thanks to Aunt Krystle for taking most of them!!!) You can view them all by clicking HERE.

Ready to PARTY!

Mommy and Daddy with the birthday boy!

Seeing his giant Elmo balloon for the first time. He loved hugging him!

Hugs from Cousin Breanna...LOVE this shot!

Ready for the BIG CAKE!

just a little taste...
Yay, I have a fork!

Our friends are the best! 

With Dinah, my BFF from 4th grade who made the trip from KY. I love you!

The whole family with Chase!

WEE! What a fun party!


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