Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Craft Time!

Anytime I can combine my love of crafts with Chase I am a happy gal. Chase loves to get messy and it's so much fun to see him try new things. He LOVES to paint. Fingerpaint, with brushes, watercolor, paint markers, you name it. So I thought it would be fun to make a book bag to take to the library when we check out and return our books. We had so much fun!
He was so proud of his messy hand and kept showing me!
Future Blue Man Group member...
Waiting patiently while Mommy takes a picture...
He loved the fact that he got to wash his hands 4 different times between each color!
The finished product!

Supplies used: Canvas bag with handles (sold at any craft store), paintbrush, fabric paint, fabric marker and little Chase hands for the prints! :)


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