Sunday, March 13, 2011

Appointment Update (27.5 weeks)

Trying to keep everyone as updated as possible...
Friday's appointment went fine, pretty uneventful really. Blood pressure was good. I was shocked as I felt like I was so anxious, and I also was glad to see I am weighing about the same as I was around this time in my pregnancy with Chase. (I've been eating my feelings, sue me.) We got to hear baby's heartbeat and as sad as it can be - it is still music to my ears. I wanted my OB to leave the wand there forever. We have an ultrasound in 2 weeks and I am so looking forward to it, these moments with baby are all we have so we want to make the most of them!

We went over the birth plan with my ob. The biggest decision that we ask you to pray for is the c-section question. Baby is breech but will be small and my OB doesn't think a c-section will be necessary. Obviously if baby is transverse we will have to do a c-section. The mother in me ponders an elective c-section birth in order to possibly spend time with our baby alive if she or he is in fetal distress. I need to consider my role as a stay-at-home mom to a very energetic 2 year old...and major surgery like that would obvisouly take more time to recover from. It hurts me to think that if I chose that option, I wouldn't be able to pick up and hold Chase when I will need him most... The decisions seem to be getting more difficult. Please pray for peace and understanding that we can make decisions with a clear mind and heart.


Kara Masi said...

Hi! It's Kara (youngermasi) from the babycenter board. I just read all about baby#2 and I just wanted you to know that you are all in my prayers. I admire all of your courage through this and if you ever need to talk, I'm here!

Anonymous said...

Hi Erin, My name is Jennifer and I just came over from Baby Center. I gave birth to a baby boy with Potter's Syndrom Feb. 21, 2010. We chose to CTT, really there was no choice for us we just knew that is what we were called to do. It has been one of our greatest blessings and greatest hurts all rolled into one. Our son, Eli, was born @ 32 weeks 3 days and lived for two hours. Like you I protested a c-section but because of no fluid he was transverse and did not turn. I wound up having an emergency one. Please know that I am praying for you and am also here if you need to talk. Make memories mama! Schedule a photographer if you have not already! This is sooooo important. I blog at Praying and here!
Jennifer Hill

Andrea said...

I just happened upon your blog and when I read what the baby has wrong with it...I had to comment...the year before I was born my mom gave birth to my brother Chad. He had Potter's but they did not know until after all the tests came back. He lived for 1.5hrs Such a heartbreaking thing especially since they did not know as it was 1980 and they did not do u/s's back then like they do now days.
I am so very sorry for your loss. :( Prayers for you and your sweet angel.

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