Saturday, May 10, 2014

Mother's Day Tea

I'm convinced there's nothing sweeter than a preschool Mother's Day tea.
Chase's Pre-K held theirs this week.
I remember last year being so very pregnant with Will and so afraid I wouldn't make it to the tea (I had him 4 days later). I was a puddle of emotions! This year Will stayed home with Daddy during his nap and Chase and I had a great time together.
He greeted me with a beautiful tissue paper corsage and pulled out my chair for me. We had lemonade, water and strawberry cupcakes. The kids said a special prayer and dance. We were able to look through and take home their Alphabet book they've been working so hard on all year. We also received a beautiful handmade coaster, flower artwork and a hilarious questionaire.
Chase and his class did a great job making their mommies feel special!

Couldn't read this one until I got home. *tears*

We are still cracking up over #8!

Love my sweet boy!


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