Monday, June 17, 2013

Father's Day recap

We had a nice day spending time together in the park after dinner and taking a few photos by Christian's tree. It has really grown since it was first planted!

 A treat for Daddy that we enjoyed too: homemade strawberry pie with strawberries we picked earlier in the week!

We also did the yearly "questions about Dad" with Chase:
Dad's nickname for you: Chasey Boy
What makes Dad happy? Hugs
How does Dad make you laugh: makes funny faces
How old is Dad? 35
How tall is Dad? 35 inches long
Fave food? Cereal
Fave movie: Star Wars
Fave TV show: Octonauts
What is Dad really good at? running
What is Dad's job? work. Well, to play with me.
How do you know Dad loves you? He looks at me!
-Chase, Age 4


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