Wednesday, September 21, 2011

What I Love Wednesday {What Women Fear}

"I long to be a woman who walks in the moment God has given me, with full confidence in what's to come"

"How beautiful would it be to truly believe without question that we were only in the prelude?"

"In order to see the miracle you have to put your faith in the One who tells you to go out into the deep."

These are three of my favorite quotes from Angie Smith's new book: What Women Fear.

It is so good. I was lucky enough to get a copy of it at Women of Faith and began reading it before it's September 1st release date. It really speaks to my heart about FEAR: something I think we all can relate to. Some of the chapters cover fear of death, fear of the what-ifs, fear of God's plan for your life. I know I personally struggle with several fears touched upon in the book.

The book would make an AWESOME bible study, and the writers over at (in)courage are making it happen in a virtual way, starting up in a few short weeks. You can learn more about it HERE. I haven't done an online bible study before, so I'm excited to see how it goes. Won't you join me in reading this awesome book?

Buy the book HERE. There's a Kindle version too, AND an iphone app! Let me know what you think!


Robin Mullins said...

I think my favorite quote - and perhaps it's not really my favorite quote, but the one that really resonated with me and my fears --

"God will still be God if you stay in the boat.
"But He won't be your God unless you get out."

I think sometimes it's too easy to stay in the boat . . . you don't get hurt when you stay in the boat . . . there's no fear of sinking if you stay in the boat . . .

But God is calling me to step out of the boat. And some days it's easier than others to get out of the boat . . .

Love this book and looking forward to the online study.

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