Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Things I Don't Want to Forget...27 months

Here's the 2nd installment of TIDWTF! These are actually from the past couple of months...

- How you say please "pweese!" and thank you "tank you..." It warms my heart. We usually need to remind you but a few months back I gave you your snack bowl and you said "Tank you Mommy.." My heart just melted.

- How you are into dancing and love certain songs like Katy Perry's Fireworks, BEP's Just Can't Get Enough and your latest fave, Adele's Rolling In the Deep. That makes me laugh!
- How when you say something funny and we repeat what you've said you'll say "NO, this: _____" and repeat it just like you did before. For some reason you don't think we can say it as funny as you can!

- How you've learned to say your first and last name

- How you've learned to say excuse me "cuse me" after you burp or toot. Hey, manners are important. You've also learned that when almost bumping into Lilly to say "cuse me Lilly..." that one's pretty cute too!

- Your sense of humor and telling us "that's funneee!"

Silly boy!


Tara K said...

I LOVE this type of post idea. There are so many things we shouldn't and mustn't forget!

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