Friday, April 22, 2011

26 months!

Chase is now 26 months old. He is talking more and more and it's so fun to be able to communicate with him. Our favorite phrases right now are "that's/this funny!" and how he says mulch. "Mooch." He is enjoying most of the same activities: chalk, his bug kit, being outside and being at the park..although we haven't had many days lately where the weather allowed us to go! His naps have been erratic lately as he prefers to go poop right around that time, how convenient huh? :) He's still sleeping around 12 hours at night and loves Sesame Street...Bert and Ernie are favorites lately. And his new love is Dora! He LOVES his Daddy and after breakfast each morning when Wes heads into the office he "asks" where Daddy go?!" and gets a bit upset when I say "He is at work and will be back soon." They love to wrestle and they have their own special games and things they like to do together such as running around the house chasing each other and ring around the rosey. It's so fun to watch them together.
Chase is still a really good eater and loves corn and peas, even requesting them for lunch and dinner. He has a sweet tooth like his Mom and Dad so we have to be careful about what we eat in front of him. What can we say, he is our biggest joy!

The photos in the brown chair are becoming quite difficult to pull off!
Picnic in the park with Mommy and Daddy on his lunch break

Reading about trains with Daddy


Watching the mulch truck...very exciting stuff! :)

Having dessert with Daddy

Playing chalk on a chilly spring day!


Waking up with all his "friends": lamb, pink bear, lovey, dog and panda!
I pray we never lose one of these guys!

Dear Chase,
I can't really put into words what you mean to us. You are our sunshine, our laughter, our light in all of this darkness we currently face. On days that I can't seem to get out of bed and start my day, I look to you for comfort. You are a big band-aid on Mommy and Daddy's boo-boos. I hurt for you. I hurt for you and this little baby you'll never get to grow up with. I hope to one day try to explain to you just how much you mean to our family and to us. Hearing your precious little voice and seeing your sweet blue eyes each day gives me hope, and for that I thank you my sweet boy!


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