Just catching up on some photos from the past 2 weeks...
Aunt Krystle came to visit Indy for work and got to spend 2 evenings with us!
Checking out the latest Golf magazine
Peekaboo Mom, I'm ready for bed!
Playing with his friend Kensley
Loves the new window clings, until he figured out how to peel them off...now they are MUCH higher :)

Loves playing with magnetic letters
Checking his email...
Having lunch at the pool
Loved his balloon from Red Robin
At the playground with Daddy
He is getting much braver in the pool these days!
Wes and I had TWO nights out with friends this past weekend. Thanks Mimi for watching Chase!
Surprise! Happy Birthday Megan!
Me with Liz and Melissa
Watching a show with Mimi
Practicing my words...
Chase's new "clock." This kid LOVES CLOCKS!!!!
Do I look smart? :)
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