Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Will is 3!

Our sweet and silly boy is THREE!

Will is full of life and personality these days. He seems to get sillier every time I turn around!
He loves his brother and the time they spend together. They are starting to play more "pretend" play together and are good at coming up with games and things to do together. They have their moments- but overall they have a great relationship!

Will is still napping 1.5-3 hours, but a few weeks ago he went through a stage of getting out of his crib at naps/bedtime and we were on the STRUGGLE BUS for a while. Because he wasn't napping for 2-3 weeks, he would fall asleep randomly in the car and go to bed early. He wasn't getting the proper rest he needed so it was affecting his mood and behavior. Because his temperament is strong-willed, this only escalated. It was a challenging month, but we seem to be doing better now. (KNOCK ON WOOD EVERYONE!) :)

Will loves to eat! He is a pretty good eater but there are certain things he won't eat (ie most vegetables except broccoli and cucumbers) and he isn't a big fan of avacados. He loves sweets like his brother and loves to snack.

He finished out Child's Day Out (Fridays only) and will start preschool in the fall and will go 2 days a week. Will did really well at school and loved going. He is still attending My Gym classes on Thursdays and has a lot of fun with his little friends there and has warmed up to his teacher, Mr. Kendall.

Will's favorite things to do include playing with matchbox cars, reading books at nap/bedtime, going to parks, being outside, playing with Chase, dancing and listening to music. He likes to "rock" in the car and will ask you to turn it up! He loves to listen to Seeds worship music as well as Little Einsteins. His favorite TV shows are Cat in the Hat, Mickey and Odd Squad (I don't understand the appeal of this show or why it holds his attention. LOL)

Good morning! It's your birthday!

 Very serious and also very silly at the doctor!
Will did a great job at his 3 year well check!
34.5 lbs (78%)
38 inches tall (65%)

 loved being sung to

Happy 3rd birthday Will - you are one awesome kid!


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