Monday, March 7, 2011

Baby Update

I wanted to keep everyone updated on the baby. We are now almost 27 weeks along. I feel like I am smaller than I was with this baby than with Chase, and that is due to my low amniotic fluid. I continue, though, to feel pretty good and baby is moving all of the time, getting hiccups a lot, etc. I'm sleeping well which is a huge blessing. The first few weeks after the diagnosis I had a really hard time getting back to sleep once I had gotten up to use the restroom. I want to post photos because even though our situation is very sad, I am still truly grateful to God to be pregnant. I know that is probably hard for some to understand, but after you go through infertility you have a different understanding of what a blessing a pregnancy really is. Yes, it's hard what we are going through, yes we are heartbroken. But I want everyone to understand why we are doing this. We are trying to honor our baby, as hard as it is, make memories with it while s/he is here with us. Our time with it is very limited, and we want to make the most of what time God has given us. Please continue to pray that we have strength and sunshine in our days. Chase has been a huge blessing for us in all of this darkness and he continues to bring us so much laughter and joy when we need it most. His purpose has become very apparent in all of this and every second we spend with him lifts our mood tremendously. Some days I don't think I would get out of bed if I didn't have him around. We are taking it a day at a time...

We do have an appointment this Friday for an OB checkup and will also meet with a hospital bereavement specialist to discuss a birth plan and how we wish everything to go at the birth. Please pray for guidance, understanding and most of all peace with the choices and decisions we are making.
-Erin and Wes


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