Thursday, February 3, 2011

Ice Storm

Monday night (January 31st) we had freezing rain, wind and sleet well into Tuesday and we have been cooped up in the house for 3 days. We are so blessed to have not lost our power and thanks to a grocery trip Monday, had plenty of hot meals and snacks this week and didn't need to get out for anything. What a blessing that Wes works from home and didn't have to travel in it. Here are some photos of the storm and of the last few days keeping Chase busy.

We are really looking forward to our Gymboree class and a playdate tomorrow - time for a change of scenery!
Playing in Daddy's shoes!


Building forts with Daddy...

Watching Daddy "shovel" about 3-4 inches of ice.

Homemade playdough! 



Ice Storm Photos...

Our driveway


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