Friday, February 18, 2011

2 Years Old!

I can't believe it....2 years ago our little baby Chase was born. He has changed our lives forever, and his purpose has been shown even more to us with things going on lately. (More on that later...still trying to find the words.)
Chase, not even 2 HOURS old...we are truly blessed.

2 Years old!

Chase is a happy little guy. He has the SWEETEST heart. We have so much fun with him. He is his Daddy's buddy and his Mommy's sweetheart. We can't remember life before he came along...

Chase had his 2 year appointment this week and is such a big boy. As an infant he was always so small and had trouble gaining - well look out! He's officially caught up! He weighed in at 28 1/2 lbs (57% - we couldn't believe it!) and was 35 1/4 inches tall (73%). He did great during his checkup and loved playing with the chalkboard wall in the room while we waited. We praise God daily for our little man's health. We know all too well how much this means and we are so grateful.

Chase says new words all the time, almost to the point where we have officially started to "watch what we say." Not that we are swearers, but it's funny the things you catch yourself saying that you just wouldn't want your child to repeat. Some new words that I can remember right now include choo choo, books, read, help, please, hummus, Rob (as in Uncle Rob!) and "katee" for his friend Kaylee. (They recently had a playdate and she has become his favorite person. So cute!) His favorite word is still NO, and that's ok. He's learning who he is as a little person and testing boundaries. He is doing better with time outs, we rarely have them. (I shouldn't have typed that...look out). He used to get right up from them and run crying "Mommy, Mommy!" and now he sits for the 2 full minutes (1 minute per year of life they say!).  

Right now he loves panda bears, trains, playdough, Gymboree class, painting, bubbles, being around new people, running/chasing his Daddy around the house and reggae music. He also has developed an obsession for hummus, specifically roasted red pepper hummus. He wants to dip EVERYTHING in hummus. I guess it could be worse. :) I love that he seems to have a caring heart and seems to sit back and take it all in in new situations. He's our little thinker. :)

Here are a few pictures of our big 2 year old from the past few weeks!

Check out my cool Elmo shoes!

Practicing sitting on my potty with Mimi

Helping Grandma blow out her birthday candles

I'm in a canoe! 
 I love the water!

Last swim lesson, he graduated!

Loves to play with shaving cream!



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