Monday, May 2, 2011

Christian Henry's Birth Story

I wanted to share a bit of Christian's birth story. It was such a bittersweet day. I was so very nervous before surgery that I was shaking in the bed as I waited for the nurse to take us back. After praying with our pastor we headed back to the OR and I was given the spinal block.

I can't explain how calm I felt at that moment when I laid down on the table. I wasn't scared. I felt calm. I was EXCITED to meet our child, to find out if we had a son or daughter, to see him/her, to hold him/her. I remember looking up and seeing our doctor praying before he started and I told him, "He's here with us, I know it..." And that's the truth. I prayed for calmness for us, and so many of you prayed as well - and those prayers were answered. I've never felt His presence so strongly.

The c-section itself went well and I didn't feel anything (thank goodness, right?!) and before we knew it the nurse who held my right hand said "10:40." I wasn't sure what she meant until I realized that was the time and Christian was born! It's a boy! I heard a few cries as they carried him over to the warmer and the nurses assessed him quickly. Wes was able to hold him right away and bring him to my side. I was so happy that he was here and ALIVE (prayers answered!), but so heartbroken at the same time. I had another boy! Christian looked so much like Chase that we couldn't believe it, but he had brown hair like Mommy! :) My doctor did such an awesome job at finishing things up that I was in recovery and holding sweet Christian before I knew it. Awesome, and another answer to prayer!

Christian continued to make little fusses and cries for a long time, and it was music to my ears. He was snuggled in my chest and Wes and I were able to spend some private time with him. Soon he got to meet his Mimi, his Grandma and Grandpa Buente, Uncle Derek and Aunt Meredith, Uncle Rob and Aunt Krystle and finally his big brother Chase. Chase was very timid and wasn't sure what to think. I think he was caught off guard by seeing me in the hospital bed. Chase had a little lamb "lovey" to give to Christian but of course when we asked to share it was typical big brother stuff  and he said "No!" :)

Our awesome photographer Rachael from Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep came in to take some special photos of our sweet boy and our family.

We were blessed with two and a half hours with Christian. In that little amount of time that little boy was shown more love than you can imagine. It's almost hard for me to believe that I never really shed a tear after he was born. I was just a happy and proud Mom and wanted to soak in every moment I could with him. After our sweet boy had gone to be with Jesus, we held him late into the night. Still, it wasn't enough. You just can't fit a lifetime of memories into a day. Saying goodbye to him was the hardest thing we've ever had to do. Still, we do thank God for answered prayers and for our sweet son, Christian. We will never be the same.

Christian surrounded with love: Mommy, Daddy and big brother Chase


Melissa said...

Thank you so much for sharing these very private moments, Erin. The tears started flowing the moment I read that your dr. was praying beforehand and just continued as I read on. It sounds like a beautiful, albeit, bittersweet day. I can't believe how much he looks like Chase in the picture. I can certainly feel the love that surrounded him in that picture. God Bless.

Casey Wallace said...

He was a beautiful boy, Erin, and I'm so happy you had time with him. You are an amazing person and mother. I could barely read your birth story through my tears, but thank you so much for sharing it. Prayers continue... Love to you guys!

Unknown said...

Thank you so much for sharing your experience with us! I have been praying for you and will continue to do so!

Tara K said...

Erin, Christian is absolutely handsome. Thank you so much for sharing your story of your birth experience. It makes me not quite so scared to go through ours in a few weeks.

Mark and Amber Nebergall (Wes's co-worker) said...

Erin and Wes,

We have been praying for you both since Wes told me the news. I'm so thankful that you were able to spend some time with beautiful Christian. I rejoice in knowing of the reunion you will have, through Jesus. We will continue to pray God give you both the strength that is such an inspiration.

Jenny Lapp said...

Erin & Wes,
Christian is so beautiful. Thank you for sharing your birth story. So much love!! Thinking of you nonstop and praying!
The Lapp's

Anonymous said...

Came across your blog completely by chance, and am sincerely moved by your words and pictures. I'm so glad little Christian had you to love him.

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