Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Chase's 2011 so far...

Chase woke up feeling a bit "off" on New Year's Day. He just wasn't acting like himself. He didn't have an appetite and his eyes looked puffy as well. He was also crankier than usual. Later that day he had a fever but with Tylenol we were able to control it and get him more comfortable. Two nights later he woke up around 1 am crying and was just burning up with a temp of almost 103...the highest I had ever seen. Luckily Tylenol helped bring it down again. After a trip to the doctor ruled out the flu and strep, we came home and treated it like a virus: lots of fluids and TLC! The next day or so Chase didn't have a fever but had developed a rash on his chest and stomach. I researched online and it sounded like Roseola, which the doctor later confirmed that day. Luckily it isn't serious and Chase is already feeling like his silly sweet self. Here's to a happy and healthy 2011 from this point forward!
Yay! I feel better today!


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